The literature pages are split up in two sections. The first sections contains a few books, that give you each a somewhat complete overview of the field of o/r mapping. The second section contains the references to the "original material" for those of you who are interested in the original material out of a research interest or if you are interested in free downloads.
Martin Fowler et
al.: Patterns
of Enterprise Application Architecture. Addison Wesley Professional;
1st edition (November 5, 2002)
The book contains many of the patterns presented on this site plus a few more or others. Martin Fowler took the pain to illustrate the patterns with many code examples. As one reviewer at writes, "the stuff is around for years" and Martin Fowler took the effort to put it into one consistent book. The emphasis is more on code examples and less on classical pattern writing. For my taste e.g. forces could be treated deeper - but for daily work this is the best book on o/r mapping layers at the moment. Maybe I should have dropped my job as a development manager for the Euro change over and should have written this book instead. The patterns you find on this site have really very great similarity :-) with what you will find there. Find it at
or |
Christian Bauer and Gavin King: Hibernate in Action - currently under review at and not yet listed at bookstores (as of November 2003). Promises to become a very intersting book on persistence. | ||
David Jordan,
Craig Russell: Java
Data Objects (JDO) ISBN 0-596-00276-9 Is not a pattern book and also not a book on the internals of persistence but is one of the better books that explains how to use a modern persistence layer for Java. Find it at
or |
M. Heinckiens: Building
Scalable Database Applications, Addison-Wesley 1998.
for my taste the the second best book on object relational access layers after Martin Fowler's. Contains less code, is more narrative. Today you're better off with Martin Fowler's book. Find it at or |
Scott Ambler, Building
Object Applications That Work, Cambridge University Press; (September
Good book on more than just o/r mappers. Therefore the topic is only one of several ones. If you want a free ride, check Scott Ambler's white paper on o/r mapping layers or web site. Otherwise Find it at or at |
Plenty of more free stuff on this site :-). You're right in the middle of it. | ||
Scott Ambler also
provides lot of free stuff on his site. Used to be called O/R mapping and
has now transformed to agile data modelling (guess why :-). ..
Really worth a visit at . |
Many papers available as downloads - Most books linked to amazon or other sites
[Atk+89] Malcolm P. Atkinson, François Bancilhon, David J. DeWitt, Klaus R. Dittrich, David Maier, Stanley B. Zdonik: The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto. in "Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases", Proceedings of the First International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (DOOD'89), pp. 223-240
[Bar+95] Christian Barschow, Petra Hieber, Wolfgang Keller, Christian Mitterbauer: Persistente Objekt unter Berücksichtigung bestehender relationaler Datenbanken, Internal Technical Report, HYPO Bank, München 1995.
[Bla+98] Michael Blaha; William Premerlani: Object Oriented Modelling and Design for Database Applications; Prentice Hall; 1998.
[Bra+96] John Brant, Joseph Yoder: Reports, in "Collected Papers from the PLoP96 and EuroPLoP96 Conferences", Washington University, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report WUCS 97-07, February 1997.
[Bro+96] Kyle Brown, Bruce G. Whitenack: Crossing Chasms, A Pattern Language for Object-RDBMS Integration, White Paper, Knowledge Systems Corp. 1995. A shortened version is contained in: John M. Vlissides, James O. Coplien, and Norman L. Kerth (Eds.): Pattern Languages of Program Design 2, Addison-Wesley 1996.
[Bus+96] Frank Buschmann, Regine Meunier, Hans Rohnert, Peter Sommerlad, Michael Stal: Pattern Oriented Software Architecture - A System of Patterns, Wiley 1996.
[Col96a] Jens Coldewey: Decoupling of Object-Oriented Systems - A Collection of Patterns; sd&m GmbH & Co.KG, Munich, 1996; (download zipped WinWord)
[Col+96a] Jens Coldewey, Wolfgang Keller: Objektorientierte Datenintegration - ein Migrationsweg zur Objekttechnologie, Objektspektrum Juli/August 1996, pp. 20-28.
[Col+96b] Jens Coldewey, Wolfgang Keller: Multilayer Class, in "Collected Papers from the PLoP96 and EuroPLoP96 Conferences", Washington University, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report WUCS 97-07, February 1997. (download pdf)
[Dat95] C. J. Date: An Introduction to Database Systems, Sixth Edition; Addison-Wesley 1995.
[Fus97] Mark L. Fussell: Foundations of Object-Relational Mapping; White Paper; ChiMu Corp. 1997.
[GOF95] Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides: Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-oriented Software, Addison-Wesley 1995.
[Hah+95] Wolfgang Hahn, Fridtjof Toennissen, Andreas Wittkowski: Eine objektorientierte Zugriffsschicht zu relationalen Datenbanken, Informatik Spektrum 18(Heft 3/1995); pp. 143-151, Springer Verlag 1995
[Har2000] Jan L. Harrington: Object Oriented Database Design; Morgan Kaufman; 2000.
[Hei98] Peter M. Heinckiens: Building Scalable Database Applications, Addison-Wesley 1998.
[Kel97] Wolfgang Keller: Mapping Objects to Tables: A Pattern Language, in "Proceedings of the 1997 European Pattern Languages of Programming Conference, Irrsee, Germany, Siemens Technical Report 120/SW1/FB 1997. (download pdf)
[Kel+97] Wolfgang Keller, Jens Coldewey: Relational Database Access Layers: A Pattern Language, in "Collected Papers from the PLoP96 and EuroPLoP96 Conferences", Washington University, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report WUCS 97-07, February 1997 (download zipped WinWord).
[Kel+98a] Wolfgang Keller, Jens Coldewey: Accessing Relational Databases: A Pattern Language, in Robert Martin, Dirk Riehle, Frank Buschmann (Eds.): Pattern Languages of Program Design 3. Addison-Wesley 1998 (download pdf).
[Kel+98b] Wolfgang Keller, Christian Mitterbauer, Klaus Wagner: Object-oriented Data Integration: Running Several Generations of Database Technology in Parallel; in Akmal Chaudhri, Mary Loomis (Eds.): Object Databases in Practice, Prentice Hall 1998. (download pdf)
[Kel98] Wolfgang Keller: Object/Relational Access Layers - A Roadmap, Missing Links and More Patterns, EuroPLoP 1998 (download pdf)
[Max96] John Maxfield: A Distributed Virtual Environment for Synchronous Collaboration in Simultaneous Enginnering, Technical Report, The Keyworth Institute of Manufacturing and Information Systems Engineering, 1996.
[Mey96] Scott Meyers: More Effective C++; Addison-Wesley 1996. (For Smart Pointers)
[Nob97] James Noble: Basic Relationship Patterns, in "Proceedings of the 1997 European Pattern Languages of Programming Conference, Irrsee, Germany, Siemens Technical Report 120/SW1/FB 1997.
[ODMG93] Rick G. G. Cattell (Ed.) et. al.: Object Database Standard (ODMG 93); Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1993.
The most recent and also last version is ODMG 3.0 from 2001[POE97] Frank Thelen, Jörg Beckert: POET SQL Object Factory - Technical Overview;, POET GmbH, 1997
[Ren+97] Klaus Renzel, Wolfgang Keller: Three Layer Architecture in Manfred Broy, Ernst Denert, Klaus Renzel, Monika Schmidt (Eds.) Software Architectures and Design Patterns in Business Applications Software Architectures and Design Patterns in Business Applications Software Architectures and Design Patterns in Business Applications Software Architectures and Design Patterns in Business Applications, Technical Report TUM-I9746, Technische Universität München, 1997. (download pdf)
[Via+97] Mauricio J. Vianna e Silva, Sergio Carvalho, John Kapson: Patterns for Layered Object-Oriented Applications, in "Proceedings of the 1997 European Pattern Languages of Programming Conference, Irrsee, Germany, Siemens Technical Report 120/SW1/FB 1997.
[Sta+97] Herbert Staudacher, Michael Harranth: Dokumentation der Datenpersistierung von Phoenix, Internal Technical Documentation, EA Generali, Vienna 1997.
[Sta98] Herbert Staudacher: Personal Communications over many many coffees, 1997-1998.
[TOP97a] The Object People Inc.: TOPLink Version 4.0 - A White Paper; 1997. Top Link has passed through a few hands is now property of Oracle - see the product pages
[TOP97b] The Object People Inc.: TOPLink Version 4.0 - User Manual, 1997. Nowadays see the actual version of TopLink
[Wal+95] Kim Walden, Jean-Marc Nerson: Seamless Object-oriented Software Architecture, Prentice Hall 1995.
[You+95] Ed Yourdon, Katharine Whitehead, Jim Thomann, Karin Oppel, Paul Nevermann: Mainstream Objects, An Analysis and Design Approach for Business; Prentice Hall 1995.
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