more coming soon ...

OABigBullet.gif (1201 Byte)Web Ressources on Patterns

The links provided on this page are far from complete - but we will provide you with a list of existing links that have a very large fan out, such giving you all the information you might want on patterns with a few clicks through the Web.

rd_pin.gif (1016 Byte)Patterns HomePage:

This page is the official/unofficial authority on patterns maintained by the Hillside Group and UIUC.

rd_pin.gif (1016 Byte)CETUS Links on Patterns:

another very complete site. Worth browsing anyway for its numerous other links on everything that deals with object oriented software construction.

rd_pin.gif (1016 Byte)The WikiWiki Web:

a very lively discussion site - the right place if you feel you have found a pattern and want to discuss it within the community

rd_pin.gif (1016 Byte)ARCUS Patterns on the Design of Business Information Systems:

a site specializing in the design and implementation of business information systems. Contains patterns on architecture, database access, GUI Building, exception handling and much more ...

rd_pin.gif (1016 Byte)Pattern Papers on this site:

This site reflects my specific interests: Patterns for encapsulation of relational databases, software architecture and large, flexible insurance business systems.

rd_pin.gif (1016 Byte)Brad Appleton's Pages on Patterns:

Brad is widely known for his excellent online tutorials on patterns - one of the reasons, why this page can be so short is because his is so long.

rd_pin.gif (1016 Byte)Pattern Depot:

Still a bit bumpy, but a promising approach: The pattern depot is on the way to put a seachable database of patterns online - visit

rd_pin.gif (1016 Byte)And for myself and your convenience .. my cheat guide to PLoP Pattern papers ....

PLoP 96
EuroPLoP 96
PLoP 97
EuroPLoP 97
PLoP 98
EuroPLoP 98
PLoP 99
EuroPLoP 99
PLoP 2000 
EuroPLoP 2000
PLoP 2001 
EuroPLoP 2001

Find more at the Hillside pattern conference page